Like many of our clients, we are entrepreneurs
We are independent from other financial institutions
We design & manage flexible, innovative, and creative
solutions that meet both the present and future needs
of our clients
Our team has decades of active participation in global financial markets and thoroughly understands economic and geopolitical issues, the relationship between equity markets, fixed-income instruments, currencies and commodities, and how these may impact the outcome of an investment or liability strategy. Asset allocation decisions combine a global macro view to determine optimal sector weighting and in-depth, bottom-up manager/ entrepreneur research to optimize results on a risk-adjusted basis. This process is continually reviewed to incorporate new input at the fundamental level as well as the manager level.
Our experience forms the basis of the qualitative analytical process utilized in evaluating investments, as well as building and managing investment & impact portfolios specifically targeted to the risk/reward expectations of our clients.
In addition to these traditional and qualitative inputs, wherever possible we apply expanded metrics to measure the likely performance and portfolio impact of differentiating strategies under varying (including stressed) conditions. These advanced applications, combined with our experience in asset allocation and risk management, provide our clients a unique and objective assessment of potential investment components and strategies.